Sunday, June 3, 2012

Japanese 101 - Counters - Part I

Counters, they can be very useful in Japanese.
They can make your Japanese sound more natural.
They are also, not that difficult.
I'd go as far as to say the hardest part of Japanese isn't the grammar, but all the Kanji.

This will be lengthy, so I'll split it up.

General Counters
Each one, is "# Thing"

One thing - ひとつ - (一つ)
Two things - ふたつ - (二つ)
Three things - みっつ - (三つ)
Four things - よっつ - (四つ)
Five things - いつつ - (五つ)
Six things - むっつ - (六つ)
Seven things - ななつ - (七つ)
Eight things - やっつ - (八つ)
Nine things - ここのつ - (九つ)
Ten things - とうつ - (十つ)

After ten, you can just use normal numbers ~つ, this goes for any counter.
Unless stated to use normal numbers, or their own special (like below), it follows the numbering pattern of the general counters

The Counters for people is ひと, 人
You only have to use special numbers for the first two, then normal numbers ~ひと for the rest.

One person - ひとり - (一人)
Two People - ふたり - (二人)

The counters for cups and machines use normal numbers
Machines can be, computers, phones, ect. ect.

Machines: ~だい
Cups: ~ばい

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